Hans Georg Berger
Publications (Photography)
Incontri con un mondo vicino. Texts and photographs published in "Quaderni di Teatro"
(Florence 1985)
L'image de soi, ou l'injonction de son beau moment? With an introduction by Hervé Guibert,
(William Blake & Co, Bordeaux, 1987, second edition 1992)
Riesi - Ritratti di gente dell'Isola d'Elba. Texts (Italian and German) and photographs,
(Pacini Editore, Pisa, 1988)
Dialogue d'Images. With an introduction by Hervé Guibert, and a comment by Hector Bianciotti,
(William Blake & Co, Bordeaux, 1992)
Il contemporaneo delle rose. Text and photographs in "Le rose dell'Eremo",
(Edizioni di S. Caterina, Rio nell'Elba, 1995)
Lettres d'Egypte. Text by Hervé Guibert. Introduction by Christian Caujolle.
(Actes Sud, Arles, 1992)
Italian Edition: Lettere dall’Egitto (EDT Edizioni di Torino, Turin 1999)
Japanese Edition: Shu-Eisha Publishing, Tokyo 2000
Carnets Khmers. Text by Hugh Honour. Introduction by Christian Caujolle.
(Actes Sud, Arles, 1998)
Sacred Ceremonies of Luang Prabang. Texts in German, English, French, Lao and Tham-Pali
(Amarin Publishing, Bangkok 1998).
French edition: Cérémonies sacrées de Luang Prabang (Editions de l’Oeil, Paris, 1999)
Korb Jai Ti Lieu Boeng. (A book for the schools of Laos), Text by Somsanouk Mixay
(Ministry of Information and Culture of the Lao PDR and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Vientiane, 1998).
Fourth edition Vientiane 2003
Het Bun Dai Bun – Laos: Sacred Rituals of Luang Prabang. With contributions by Christian Caujolle, Wibke Lobo, Volker Grabowsky and Pha One Keo Sitthivong.
(Westzone Publishing, London, 2000).
American Edition : Trafalgar, New York, 2001
German Edition: Het Bun Dai Bun – Rituale einer glücklichen Stadt. Mit Beiträgen von Christian Caujolle, Wibke Lobo, Volker Grabowsky und Pha One Keo Sitthivong.
(Knesebeck Verlag, München, 2000)
La Felicità Buddista.Fotografie dal Laos di Hans Georg Berger. Scritti di Hans Georg Berger, Cesario Carena, Giorgio Conti, Wibke Lobo, Marcello Zago.
(Il Tucano Edizioni/ La Fornace Spazio Permanente, Torino 2001)
Town of Waters. The photographical work of Hans Georg Berger. Edited by Francesco Paolo Campione and Anna Maria Montaldo. Texts by Francesco Paolo Campione, Giorgio Conti, Maria Grazia Marchianò, Bianca Laura Petretto, Wibke Lobo.
(Aisthesis Edizioni, Milano 2001)
Twelve portraits of roses from the Hortus Conclusus of the Hermitage of Santa Caterina.
ISBN 88-86238-01-20. Limited edition (Edizioni S.Caterina, Rio nell’Elba, 2004)
Gott ist das Haus des Wissens. Fotografien eines Kunstprojekts in theologischen Hochschulen von Qom, Mashhad und Isfahan. Herausgegeben von Jürgen Doetsch. Mit Texten von Jürgen Doetsch, Saeid Edalatnejad, Wilfried Buchta und Hans Georg Berger
Katholische Akademie Trier 2005, ISBN 3-00-017460-5
The Floating Buddha. On Buddhist Meditation
Exhibition catalogue (International Center for Studies in Anthropology of Art, Cagliari 2006)
ISBN 88-888808-15-4
First steps of Vipassana meditation. A guide for young people in Laos
Texts by Phra One Keo Sitthivong, Photographs by Hans Georg Berger
(The Quiet in the Land, Luang Prabang, in collaboration with the National Library of Laos, Vientiane 2006) ISBN 974-9985-26-5
STILLE. Kalender für 2008.
12 Fotografien aus Laos von Hans Georg Berger
Knesebeck Verlag München 2007
Sacred Luang Prabang. The Amantaka Collection
12 hand-made books, Luang Prabang 2009
The Floating Buddha. The Revival of Vipassana Meditation in Laos.
Anantha Publishing, Luang Prabang and
New York
new augmented edition, 2009
The Learning Photographer
Scholarly texts on Hans Georg Berger's art work in Laos and Iran
Anantha Publishing, Luang Prabang and New York, 2009
Second edition 2010
Meditation Colors. Nine digital color photographs
Anantha Publishing, Luang Prabang and New York, 2009
Treasures of the Buddhist Archive of Photography
with Khamvone Boulyaphone. (Lao and English)
Anantha Publishing, Luang Prabang and New York, 2010
Photographer of the Sacred
Scholarly texts on Hans Georg Berger’s art work in Laos
Anantha Publishing New York and Luang Prabang
for Amantaka, 2010
Emerald Skies. My path to Mystical Persia
Edizioni S. Caterina, Rio nell’Elba, 2010
Sacred Dust from the Buddha’s Feet
A limited edition portfolio of 28 platinum-palladium prints
with an introduction by CatherineChoron-Baix
and the facsimile of the Buddhist Patimokkha calligraphed
by Phra Khamchan Virachitta Maha Thera
Salto Ulbeek Publishers, Ulbeek 2010
The Manuscripts of Laos
Photographs and texts (Lao, Thai, English, Tham Pali)
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
and Anantha Bublishing, New York and Luang Prabang, 2010
The Mudra Series (1989-1992)
All Saints Press, Innsbruck 2011